Jeanette is a natural-born warrior. But she’s also a product of her times. She’s strict, unyielding, and very religious. She’s very strong in her Catholic beliefs of the early 1400’s and assumes that anyone else’s beliefs aren’t just wrong, but are directly related to the work of Satan himself. It will take her some time for a few cracks of doubt to appear in her faith, as she starts to reconcile the reality of her situation and personal experience in the afterlife.
And so, she finds herself in our story, Siege Worlds, awakening immediately after an agonizing death, traumatized on a mysterious beach among other great, dead heroes from Earth's past.

She and Joan grew up together, so had known each other all their
lives. They were both captured, tried, and burned at
the stake, dying on the same day, on twin flaming
pyres. Joan and Jeanette were both trained from a young
age by an aging sword master, whose son had died
young. This swordmaster, Thomas, found new inspiration
in life by teaching the art of swordplay to the two
girls. While Joan was more of a politician, Jeanette
was the actual warrior, and paid a lot more attention to these
lessons, and worked harder at it. Both of them had
visions, often the SAME visions, which was part of what led them
to believe so strongly that they were real.
Jeanette advanced
to a level of skill where Thomas recommended her to the vatican
for advanced training, and for three years, the girls were
separated. During that time, Jeanette alone was trained
in the art and lore of vampire and monster hunting, although she
died before ever seeing a vampire, and was never fully convinced
that they even existed.

In the beginning of Siege Worlds, Jeanette is mistaken for Joan of Arc by the other characters. However, she was the right hand of the famous French warrior leader, going on secret missions for her, and defending the French from all threats. She is a fictional character that we have added to the Joan of Arc story.