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Shi Yang

She’s based loosely on the Chinese pirate captain commonly known as Ching Shih. She started life as a child prostitute and went on to become the most successful pirate to ever terrorize the seven seas.

jeanette top right
siege worlds
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film strip


We are working on stories about the Five Shards, the Five Claws as a team, and the individual stories of each of these heroes.

Circle Mask shi yang


She has a bad temper and is distrustful. She’s sexy,
cold and manipulative, and fears anyone ever having power over her, and will do anything to prevent that. She has a secret soft side that she does everything she can to hide from others so that she can maintain her reputation for ruthlessness.


In her backstory issues, her quest is to find “Five Shards” that she believes will give her freedom from her fear of ever being controlled again. She has a team of superheroes from around the ancient Chinese sphere of influence (from Korea to Australia and as far as Madagascar) that she calls her “Five Claws” and they go on missions for her to help her find the shards and complete other tasks.

Layer 22 Layer 7 jeanette top right shi yang face
siege worlds
Trazado 107349

In her backstory issues, her quest is to find “Five Shards” that she believes will give her freedom from her fear of ever being controlled again. She has a team of superheroes from around the ancient Chinese sphere of influence (from Korea to Australia and as far as Madagascar) that she calls her “Five Claws” and they go on missions for her to help her find the shards and complete other tasks.


We are working on stories about the Five Shards, the Five Claws as a team, and the individual stories of each of these heroes.

Top left main

She has a bad temper and is distrustful. She’s sexy, cold and manipulative, and fears anyone ever having power over her, and will do anything to prevent that. She has a secret soft side that she does everything she can to hide from others so that she can maintain her reputation for ruthlessness.

film strip
Shi Yang

She’s based loosely on the Chinese pirate captain commonly known as Ching Shih. She started life as a child prostitute and went on to become the most successful pirate to ever terrorize the seven seas.
